Car Hire Singapore
Rental Car Singapore compare prices from a number of car rental companies and find the best price on car hire. Book with us and get necessary insurance and unlimited mileage included in the price.
Are you looking for affordable car hire in Singapore? Now a day’s it is very popular to rent a car, the majority choose to pick up a car at the airport. With car rental you and your family have the opportunity to take pleasant day trips in the areas surrounding, also you will not be dependent on public transport. By comparing prices of car rental from several players, you can save a lot of money. If you prefer to retrieve the rental car in the city center, this is also possible.
The country offers great natural and cultural experiences. It is advisable to book your car rental well before departure, so you’re sure to get just the car that suits you, at the lowest price. In certain periods there may be high demand among rental companies, and the cheapest cars are usually taken first.
Singapore short guide

Car Hire Singapore
Singapore is a small republic at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula (Malay peninsula) in East Asia. The area is not more than 693 km2. It is an island state that is largely composed of big city Singapore (4.6 mill.innb. In 2009), which naturally also the capital. Economic developments in recent years has been very strong, and the country / city currently has a population with generally high standard of living. Singapore has a multicultural feel – and also all four official languages: Chinese, Malay, Tamil and English.
A little outside the center there are several nature reserves, where smaller areas of the island’s original tropical rainforest (incl. Swamp and mangrove forests) are preserved. The climate is tropical and fairly humid and hot. The annual average temperature is around 27 degrees C. The Singapore Island is relatively flat, and the highest point – Bukit Timah – is not more than 163 m above sea level.
There are a number of tourist attractions in Singapore. Among the most popular are the zoo, where animals are presented in their natural surroundings, and where you can also go on a night safari. Otherwise you need recreation area Sentosa mentioned, such as, inter alia, includes several beautiful beaches.
Singapore has one of the world’s busiest ports, and is in many ways a key traffic hub in East Asia.
The main airport Changi International Airport is the 5th largest airport in Asia.
Traffic and Driving Tips Singapore
Driving in Singapore is nice as there are clear and well-marked directional road signs, an efficient road network, smooth and clean roads.
Foreign drivers visiting Singapore can drive there with their domestic driving permits and International driver licenses for up to six months. For hiring a car, drivers without Singapore driving permits must have International driver licenses.
As a rule, road signs in Singapore are in English, but many road names are in Malay origin.
Rules to know:
The speed limit varies from 40 km/h in urban areas to 80-90 km/h on expressways. In Singapore, speed detection cameras are installed on expressways and major roads.
The legal blood-alcohol level is 0.08%.
Vehicles drive on the left side of the road.
Minimum driving age is 18 years.
Seat belts are mandatory for drivers and all passengers in front and rear seats.
The right and left turns are prohibited during a red light. If “Left Turn on Red” sign is present at the intersection, it permits drivers to turn left, but they must give way to pedestrians and incoming traffic.
Children under eight years must be ridden in a child safety seat; otherwise, a driver and passenger will be fined.
Seat belts must be worn in taxis.
Headlights must be turned on from 19:00 to 07:00.
While driving, using cell phones is prohibited.
Third Party insurance is mandatory.
From Monday to Saturday, left lanes with unbroken yellow and red lines may only be used by buses from 07:30 (7:30 a.m.) to 20:00 (8 p.m.). From Monday to Friday, left lanes with unbroken yellow lines may only be used by buses from 07:70 (7:30 a.m.) to 09:30 (9:30 a.m.) and from 16:30 (4:30 p.m.) to 19:00 (7 p.m.).
On uncontrolled junctions, traffic from the right has right of way.
Traffic on the roundabout has right of way.
Full-Day Bus Lanes are left lanes with unbroken yellow and red lines; Normal Bus Lanes are left lanes with unbroken yellow lines.
In Singapore, there are three modes of parking: Coupon parking, Paid parking, and Season parking. Parking coupons can be bought from any of the following authorized sale outlets. Paid parking is in the most shopping centers, buildings and some public car parks; it is required to pay for the time a vehicle is parked. There are different car park payment systems adopted. Season parking is usually applicable to residents and tenants at their offices and residential car parks. Avoid parking in season parking lots (they usually have red markings) and along roads with double yellow lines. The cost of parking is variable.
No parking at all times on the side of the road with parallel continuous yellow lines.
Do not drive over areas with Chevron markings.
The right lane is the fast lane; drivers should always overtake on the right-hand side.
In Singapore, there are 8 categories of offenses that carry demerit points.
The main offenses in Singapore are:
Disobeying traffic direction of Police Officer
Parking within “No Parking Zone” or a pedestrian crossing and abreast of another vehicle.
Stopping within “No Stopping Zone”, at a zebra-crossing, on shoulder or on the carriageway of an expressway.
Driving without a seat belt or riding passengers without seat belts.
Riding child under eight years in front or rear seat without an unapproved child restraint.
Exceeding speed limit.
Driving in a bus lane during prohibited hours
Failing to give way at the roundabout or intersection, to an ambulance or fire brigade or a police vehicle, to pedestrian at pedestrian crossing.
Crossing double white lines or a road divider.
Hindering flow of traffic.
Moving on the red light signal.
Driving against the flow of traffic or on a shoulder of an expressway.
Car hire can be ordered at all areas in Singapore through The price you see is the one you pay and if you book with us is include unlimited mileage and all insurances.
Tags: Car hire, rental car, Singapore