Best prices on car hire in Cuenca in Spain. We compare prices from Spain’s leading rental companies. Our prices on car hire always includes unlimited mileage, and all necessary taxes and insurances. Use the search engine below to find car rental in Cuenca.
Car hire Cuenca

Car hire Cuenca
Cuenca is a city in the autonomous community of Castilla-La Mancha in central Spain. It is the capital of the province of Cuenca. Cuenca is located above a steep track, which slopes down into the deep gorge of Júcar and HUECAR rivers. The climate in Cuenca is typical continental Mediterranean of Spain “Meseta”. Winters are relatively cold, but the summers are quite hot during the day with occasional chilly nights. Spring and autumn seasons are short, with pleasant temperatures during the day, but with quite cold nights because of its height from 956 meters above sea level up to 1000 meters in the old town.
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